Manufacturer, Supplier Of Poultry Feed Machinery, Animal, Poultry, Cattle Feed Plants, Hammer Mills, Industrial Mixers And Blenders, Pellet Counter Flow Coolers, Crumbler Rollers, Pellet Crumblers, Material Handling Systems, Pellet Mills, Feeders For Animal, Poultry, Cattle Feed Plants, Screeners For Animal, Poultry
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Hammer Mills

We are Manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Hammer Mills and our setup is situated in Miraj, Sangli, Maharashtra, India.

We have two types of Hammer Mills Full sieve / full screen Hammer Mill ( Grinder ) & Half Sieve Hammer mills used for crushing purpose. These Hammer Mills widely used in Feed Sector, Organic Fertilizer Sector for crushing the raw material to desired size even these are used in Bio mass, food industries, pharmaceutical etc.

Air Blown Hammer Mill (Cyclogrind) is used for Fine Maize or other grains Crushing ( Maize Chuni ).
In organic Fertilizer hammer mills used for crushing of Neem ( Indian lilac ), Pongamia Pinnata (Karanji) Seeds.
Our Hammer mills are designed robust, long lasting, user friendly.

A hammer mill is a machine or mill whose purpose is to shred or crush aggregate material into smaller pieces by the repeated blows of little hammers or beaters. A number of ingredients used in making feed for Poultry and other livestock are granular in nature and need to be broken down for further processing. Our Hammer mills have adopted technology over time to grind these raw materials. our machines have numerous industrial applications in Poultry Feed, Animal & Cattle Feed, Fish feed and, Organic Fertilizer sectors, for crushing the raw material to desired size even these are used in Bio mass, food industries, pharmaceutical etc.

Reduction of particle size in the livestock feed industry is done for the following reasons :

  1. Increases digestibility
  2. Increases efficiency of utilization by increasing surface area for enzymatic activity
  3. Increases Palatability
  4. Increases Handling efficiency